Right, so after the training in the Malaysian heartland,we slowly made our way back to KL. After dropping our luggages in the Ludher residence, and drinking a juice named after the magic-potion in Asteriks and Obelix books, we engaged our minds and bodies in a desperate hunt for delicious Malaysian food. Elyssa really wanted to take us to a chinese-malaysian place, but we were kind of dead-set on Lau's lau-dable (oh yes I did) description of Madam Kwon's. Madam Kwans is in KLCC - in the Twin Towers. The pics are up on facebook - very impressive, super-wicked-cool-awesome, with a pleasant park extending out the back.
Had some dins with Keeliang, Arvin, Elyssa, Haifa, and Taraz. We had to wait a bit to get in, but it was fun times. The food was not excellent, but was still very good, and I enjoyed the culinary experience. I also had some ABC, which was a strange ice-fruit-stuff mixture that everyone was keen on, but that Keeliang told me was not the best. I guess I'll have to wait till next time sample the true beauty of ABC.
We said goodbye to Taraz and Arvin, and escorted Keeliang to the LRT so that he could catch his ridiculous-late (11PM) bus home. After dropping him off, we called arvin and asked them to wait because we had, in the course of our consultations, realized that our best option for the night was to continue spending time with friends instead of random shopping malls in the city.
I met one of the famed and esteemed Baha'i families in Malaysia - the Ramaswamies? God, I just realized that I didn't even get the family name, just the family...w/e. Cool family though. Met tons of people, most of the names have escaped me, but we ended up going out for food and coffee, and having a sweet time.
Then, next day: roadside meal for brunch; quick shopping for presents; hustle to the bus(tle); and a smooth flight from the low cost carrier at KL to Phnom Penh. Smooth, that is, except for the ridiculous $20 charge for checking my baggage...so lame.Either way, I met a nice guy named paul on the plane - he told me his life story, paid for the tuk-tuk back to the center of the city, and wished me good luck in life. Cool beans.
I met Neissan for breakfast on december 20th and told him exactly what I'd invest in with my development funds...ME! that's right, I have some ideas of what kind of Social and Economic Development I'd like to see and do...more on that as (and if) it develops. I ate a mango-crepe and drank khmer-bean espresso, and drank watermelon-flavored-water. We ate at a relaxing place called le Jardin.
We went and got some haircuts...being the gentleman that I am, I let Neissan go first, and after sacrificing almost all of his hair to the khmer razor gods. Appeased with his sacrifice, they let me get a sweet haircut for the low-low price of 3000 rials...roughly $0.75 cents. Later that day: Beattie and I went on a minor expedition to the central market(photos on facebook), which was fun lil' trip.
Sunday the 21st.
Lazy to the ulti-max. Got up and had some egg-in-a-hole, becuase sinday is egg-in-a-hole day in our house. Then I browsed the net, wrote a bit, grabbed the decline and fall of the roman empire, and went and read all about Emperor Julian's reign, rule, and apostasy while sun-bathing (pics on the fb). We also had a nice devotional/commemoration for Shaku's father who passed away 8 years ago.
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