What exciting times we live in - the world is changing, nations are rising and falling, and I'm (still) marking papers! Okay, okay, so marking papers doesn't fit so well, but really, for my students the marks they receive will affect the course of their ever-changing worlds. so maybe it can kind of wiggle in.
ANYWAY, lots to recap, lots more to project, and little time to do it in:
This week:
I'm lost on what week we're on. I know that ryan lash came and stayed at my place on some weekend/weekdays. I Think it was this week, but my last few days have felt very long, so who knows? No, lets pretend Ryan, Amy, and Roshan came last week, and left this week. We did several fun things together:
From eating
To playing settlers of catan
To wearing Quddus' glasses
and even trying to find camouflaged Jarnahs!
Ah, pictures, I remember everything now. We had a great little time, eating out way too much (but for cheap!), failing to do my school work, staying up entirely too late, sleeping in hammocks - great times all around.
Then, when the guests departed, the ear-shattering, anything-but-pleasant peal of the bell of reality tolled once again. Oh, life. It was okay though - I caught up on my school work, had fun with the chillins, got more sleep, and did some laundry (though, there was a day this week where I had no shirt for work...turns out I'm now close enough to wear my fajah's - lucky...but the sleeves are waaay to small). Of greater note for the 25th (thursday), we had a small 'fireside', where we invited a bunch of peoples to come and discover the Baha'i Faith. We had four guests, and two of the guys who came thought that unity was a great idea, and believed that Baha'u'llah was a Meesenger of God, and just like that *poof* they became Baha'is. Of course, only now to discover that they have to actually actively engage themselves in the arduous task of uplifting society, one angry, troubled heart at a time. :) people rarely realize what they sign up for.
Which fails to bring us to our next point:
The questing asks the students to write a sentence in the past about an unreal condition. for question 2 (you were the oldest/youngest/only child in your family), this student wrote: If I had been the only child in my family, my parents might love me more.
(this seems like a good place to end this post)
You are right ! it is an "Aw" moment
yeah, since then, I've marked a few more books - this answer came up a surprising 5 times out of 50! Where is the love? (or are they all copying?:P)
Some sort of troubled student? He/she probably needs to talk with guidance. By the way what is the name of the game they are playing in the picture, with the big board? Forgive my ignorance but it looks interesting.
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