This day, an estimated 24 years ago, I was birthed into this tumultuous existence. Legend says I "rolled out", predating Ludacris' hit song by a good 16 years. I was also a reportedly happy baby, enjoying moments of life, failing to balance myself as I explored the world, and generally being chubby and chill. Not too much has changed, but I am working on having greater balance in life, and Cambodia is taking care of my chubbiness, slowly but surely.
Either way, today, I continued my slave labour for AII, entering all the details for report cards, and ALMOST printing them, except the printers were occupied by others, so I got, how you say, the shaft. I will have to make a special trip in tomorrow, before I depart to Battambang, just to print the report cards, and get my last little bit of pay. Hopefully that all goes A-ok.
I had a svet little birthday party, with a few friends. The complete photos will be on facebookolet, but here are a few key photos:
breaking the fast
eating the dinner avec cat hats
Bringing the cake
blowing out the candales.
I got many sweet and thoughtful messages, which, to be honest, put my birthday-wishing to shame. Apparently, 24 is the year where people get professional with their birthday greetings, and really throw some effort into the well-wishing.
All, however, was not well in the party. It was bittersweet, since we celebrated my departure as well (note: for some, it is entirely possible that this is doubly sweet, who knows? ;) ) This threw the small wrench of awkwardness into the mix, but it was an joyous occasion nonetheless. I even read quotes from African wisdom in a Nigerian accent. Also, as far as food goes, Shaku made chicken curry and palak paneer(but it was with other cheeses), AND banana cake! Delicious!
Tomorrow, I quest out into the wide world of dust, travel, and tenuous internet connections.
These are some new birthday clothes from yesterday's Russian Market trip.
Happy birthday CUz! hope u had a blast!
Spiffy! You look great Ashraf baba.
Your auntie Nahed
Sorry Ashraf, I unknowingly posted a comment under Jamsie's account. Now I'm legal;)
I did it again! Not sure why. Will try to fix it...
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