I spent the day refining my exam, and putting in the print order at the school, picking up a bus ticket for shaku, administering some exams, and then enjoying lasagna dinner with a bunch of guests. After all of that (tasty lasagna!) we watched some pictures form Neissan's trip to malaysia, and some hilarious youtube clips. This is one which my dad has saved on his laptop. So funny, I crack up everytime I watch it.
After that, Neissan and I went to a Mediterranean place called "tamarind" for some sheesha, tea, and chess. They have a nice rooftop up there, I imagine it'd be much more enjoyable if there were less clouds and more stars. After some complications over the flavours of tea and sheesh, they finally brought it all out, and I soundly beat Neissan 3-0 in our games (compared to 1-1-1 last time). I chalked a large part of my victory up to his inattentiveness. They were great games until an error or two crept in to finish it off(reminiscent of something isn't it Munir? ;P).
Either way, the night didn't end there! We dropped by the monthly "elsewhere" party to see who was around, and hopefully enjoy some good music. The music was out in full-force, I couldn't recognize any of the tracks that the dj was playing, but it was all cool stuff. We happened upon Christine and some of her friends, and some friends from the "Khmerry Christmas' boat party. Fun times getting to see them all again. The club, however, was dead. there were a fifth of the people that I'd seen last time I went (2 months back) and that meant you could actually talk to people, but that that there were less people to talk to, and no one dancing. This didn't stop us. Having the dance floor to ourselves, Neissan and I did some breakdancing, and he showed me some capoiera moves. That was fun, until the dj officially told us to go home by dropping the tempo considerably in the following 10 minutes. It's not his fault, the crowd was already non-dance, but they more sit-and-listen, than stand-and-pretend-to-dance.
Fun times.
Today, Shaku had to go to another city for a meeting, so we moved egg-in-a-hole sundays up a day to accommodate this newfound family tradition. We had mangoes for lunch, and went to Anise hotel for a coffee and to get some work done. I marked my papers, and my dad spent all his time trying to get the wireless internet to work...which he did, in the end. I had some interesting answers on the exams, I put one up for your viewing pleasure.
The rest of the day was spent watching juventus play in the snow, making stir-fry, and updating this blog!
peace out playas.
Wrong month my friend.
Glad to hear you're getting some good chess in and that someone's taking up my role of challenging-enough-but-loses-every-time-due-to-inattentiveness partner.
you are so right. I have corrected that embarrassing error! One day Munir, one day you will learn to focus just a little bit harder, and then I'll never win again...
Hey Ash, I hope Dr. Rushdy gave that student extra marks for that superior error! I love it...
Hello Anonymous friend. Actually, I've been chilling, I corrected errors, but I"m having a hard time deciding how to distribute the marks. That paper will, however, get bonus marks.
:-) That looks like a brilliant exam. Any chance you can post the whole thing?
If I knew where the scanner was, or had a camera. :( maybe in a bit, but this was really the only exciting part of the test.
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