The only really memorable things from the 9th are: the maid bought me some delicious fruits; the kids in my classes are continuing to build up their enthusiasm; I ate more masala dosa, and, Neissan, Jarnah, Nadi, and I all played a game of settlers of catan! So much fun - unfortunately Neissan and Jarnah were still figuring out what was going on, and we had a lot of distraction in the form of laptops on the table, BUT, still a fun game (maybe just because I won? :P). I realized that I really have nothing in the house to offer guests, and had to resort to giving out the last of the cookies, some veggie/fruit juice, and a few small chocolates. I think tomorrow will be the real day for shopping (now that I have my first cheque from work!).
The 10th was an indoors day for me. I stayed up late the night before talking on skype, so I missed my morning seminar at work! Luckily, it's only optional, and I should be able to get the info I need from the other teachers. My day involved a lot of football(soccer). I've been getting into it recently, in the form of FIFA '09, and a lot of watching games on the telelevision. There was even a point where I was playing a game, and had a game on mute on the T.V. at the same time :0
Today was a little more exciting - I got some initial work done on CRDA's website, and went out to 'Comme a la Maison' for a chocolatine and an espresso (I also bought a baguette). I'm waffling over whether to continue the children's class in the orphanage or not - I don't want to be all burnt out teaching, but I really enjoyed the class, so I'm not sure which'd be best in the long-term. Avuth and Elyssa helped me get the guitar up to snuff, and I used this opportunity to try and develop some guitar skills. I have an embarrassingly bad video of my initial guitaring for you guys to see. Enjoy.
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