Monday, May 25, 2009


I could not sleep last night. Eventually I did, but I was in a strange and unusual sleepless state till 3 or 4am - it almost felt like I was in university again! I dreaded, for a few seconds, the kind of havoc this could wreak on my morning, and perhaps *gulp* entire day! Though I missed, to my chagrin, dawn prayers with sheng-tchie; and though I came late to work - I did end up enjoying a nice coconut and some conversation with Oudum, whom, as a result of our conversations, decided to join ruhi book one! Overall, I will chalk down my random lack of sleep (and ensuing delays) as a victory rather than a loss or failure.

Now, on to the CCFSA final project!

Hope your nights are sleepless, and mornings fruitful (mine are full of coconut)!


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