Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Phnom Penh

Since my return to the glorious past in Phnom Penh, I remembered why I had such a good time - cool peeps, nice places to eat, and a sweet house.

This time, I also got to drive Jarnah's honda chaly (28 year old bike!) - and eat pre-peeled rambutans while walking around lucky's supermarket.

The trip was, however, primarily focused on business...and by business I mean money, and by money, I mean grants. This was a good two days (monday and tuesday) of meeting other NGO people, making some connections, and getting a sketch in my mind of what the grant-application field looks like for education programs. I thought it'd be hard to go door-to-door inquiring about grants, but everyone was friendly, and we sometimes had multiple contacts in a NGO. The most positive thus far was the canadian cooperation office director. He told us about their small grants program, which had thematic areas that we weren't directly involved in. So i asked him instead if he could ask CIDA to help us out with a long-term education grant. He paused, looked off into the distance for a sec, then was like, "yeah, we can. I'll ask the CIDA represntative to visit, and maybe put education as a focus!" He's our new friend.

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