Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Quddus' birthday.

Tons of fun last night right after I arrived on the bus. Eating pizzas, making jokes, celebrating the passage of time - made me realize that it'd been a while since I'd had such an earnestly enjoyable social dinner. Also, how cool is Quddus? the guy treated everyone else to dinner on his birthday!

May 6th:

While having a shower, I was running through what to wear to work today, white pants, green shirt, blue rubber sandals?? My sandalos don't seem to fit the rest of my attire, but I've decided to continue wearing them for one reason (also realized this morning): my new bicycle is called a "crocodile", and my sandals are "gators". I was tremendously more excited than I should have been about this, most minor of all coincidences. It made me feel somewhat like Mr.Bean, in that he owns cool small things, and loves how cool they are.

On a more worthy note, my friend, Oudum the coconut guy, met a khmer-speaking Baha'i on the weekend, and is now all about the Faith. Even though this will likely not result in discounted coconuts, it was still pretty exciting news.

Also, CORDE is so cool, they've decided to buy the masters program a laptop, and, I get to make a budget for the program for the rest of the year. I'm tottally getting a whiteboard and some markers so I can map out the program in my favorite way. That's one thing computers lack - real space and perspective (but just watch, google is monitoring this blog, and they'll release a white-board sized screen in a year!).

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